Somehow, a next-generation Xbox controller became available. While the gamepad is similar t the one for the Xbox One, there are differences. This leaked version is specifically for the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S. Twitter user Zak S was able to buy the controller and post images online. On the box, it clearly states the peripheral is for the Serie X and the Series S. You may remember there are rumors the Series S will launch after the Series X. This leak does little to settle that rumor either way. Another interesting aspect of the controller is it’s white. Microsoft has not said if the Xbox Series X will be available in white. It seems this leak confirms that it will be. Although, it is also thought that that the Series S will be a white console.

— Zak S (@zakk_exe) August 9, 2020

Project Lockhart

Sony has already announced the PlayStation 5 alongside a PlayStation 5 Digital Edition. Microsoft will be eager to match its rival across two price points. Xbox Series S will be the response to the PS5 Digital Edition. It will also be an all-digital console at a lower price point than the Xbox Series X.

— Zak S (@zakk_exe) August 10, 2020 It is worth noting Microsoft has yet to officially confirm the Xbox Series S. However, in recent months there has been enough smoke to suggest a fire. Interestingly, the possibility to both devices arriving side-by-side was squashed by Microsoft. The company insisted Xbox Series X would launch alone. Certainly, the companies marketing suggests that’s the case. Of course, that means the Series S would ship later, probably in 2021.

Leak  Xbox Controller Suggests Xbox Series S is Real - 50Leak  Xbox Controller Suggests Xbox Series S is Real - 95Leak  Xbox Controller Suggests Xbox Series S is Real - 91Leak  Xbox Controller Suggests Xbox Series S is Real - 80Leak  Xbox Controller Suggests Xbox Series S is Real - 17