1 How to Change Screen Timeout via Windows 11 via Settings2 How to Make Your Screen Stay on For Longer in Control Panel’s Power Options3 How to Change Screen Timeout via Advanced Power Plan Settings4 How to Make Your Screen Stay on Longer via Command Prompt5 Extra: How to Check for Laptop Battery Life Issues with Powercfg6 Extra: How to Turn Battery Saver Mode On or Off

Windows 11 typically times out your screen after five minutes if you’re on battery and fifteen minutes if you’re plugged in. This is a useful power-saving feature, but it can get annoying having to wiggle your mouse to wake the screen every time you make a coffee. Thankfully, we’re going to show you how to stop your screen from timing out before you’re ready below. We’ll even show you three ways of doing it – the settings app, Control Panel, and Command Prompt.

How to Change Screen Timeout via Windows 11 via Settings

How to Make Your Screen Stay on For Longer in Control Panel’s Power Options

How to Change Screen Timeout via Advanced Power Plan Settings

How to Make Your Screen Stay on Longer via Command Prompt

Extra: How to Check for Laptop Battery Life Issues with Powercfg

Powercfg can do much more than just adjust your power settings. In our existing tutorial, we show you how to use it to create a report detailing your laptop’s battery health. Feel free to follow along. ⚠️ Please note: The process described below is the same in Windows 11 as it is in Windows 10. However, bear in mind that we’ll be using screenshots from Windows 11, so your UI may look a little different. We’ll point out any changes you need to be aware of as they come up.

You can stop your screen from turning off entirely by typing “0” as the number.

Or use this command to stop the screen from turning off when plugged in: You can use 0 as the number for either to ensure the screen never turns off automatically.

Extra: How to Turn Battery Saver Mode On or Off

Battery Saver may overwrite your display timeout settings to get your laptop that last bit of juice. If you’d rather it didn’t, you can follow our guide on how to turn off battery saver mode.  

How to Make Your Screen Stay on Longer via Windows 11 Screen Timeout Settings - 3How to Make Your Screen Stay on Longer via Windows 11 Screen Timeout Settings - 45How to Make Your Screen Stay on Longer via Windows 11 Screen Timeout Settings - 62How to Make Your Screen Stay on Longer via Windows 11 Screen Timeout Settings - 49How to Make Your Screen Stay on Longer via Windows 11 Screen Timeout Settings - 89How to Make Your Screen Stay on Longer via Windows 11 Screen Timeout Settings - 69How to Make Your Screen Stay on Longer via Windows 11 Screen Timeout Settings - 36How to Make Your Screen Stay on Longer via Windows 11 Screen Timeout Settings - 88How to Make Your Screen Stay on Longer via Windows 11 Screen Timeout Settings - 81How to Make Your Screen Stay on Longer via Windows 11 Screen Timeout Settings - 81How to Make Your Screen Stay on Longer via Windows 11 Screen Timeout Settings - 95How to Make Your Screen Stay on Longer via Windows 11 Screen Timeout Settings - 11How to Make Your Screen Stay on Longer via Windows 11 Screen Timeout Settings - 2How to Make Your Screen Stay on Longer via Windows 11 Screen Timeout Settings - 77How to Make Your Screen Stay on Longer via Windows 11 Screen Timeout Settings - 41How to Make Your Screen Stay on Longer via Windows 11 Screen Timeout Settings - 24How to Make Your Screen Stay on Longer via Windows 11 Screen Timeout Settings - 31How to Make Your Screen Stay on Longer via Windows 11 Screen Timeout Settings - 44How to Make Your Screen Stay on Longer via Windows 11 Screen Timeout Settings - 45