Did Trump Shut Down His Rival?

So far, however, there has been no substantial evidence that Trump directly influenced the outcome of the decision. Though Defense Secretary Mark Esper joined the review process, it’s not currently clear that the contract was awarded to Microsoft unfairly. The tech giant is one of the biggest cloud vendors in the world and has worked with the Pentagon on several other efforts, including HoloLens and technical support/product engineering. Whatever the outcome of the case, Microsoft is now under even more pressure to provide a great service.

Amazon Lawsuit Asks for Termination of Microsoft s JEDI Contract Due to Trump s Interference - 46Amazon Lawsuit Asks for Termination of Microsoft s JEDI Contract Due to Trump s Interference - 76Amazon Lawsuit Asks for Termination of Microsoft s JEDI Contract Due to Trump s Interference - 90Amazon Lawsuit Asks for Termination of Microsoft s JEDI Contract Due to Trump s Interference - 14Amazon Lawsuit Asks for Termination of Microsoft s JEDI Contract Due to Trump s Interference - 89